This list is for the worst of the worst.
–ESPN. That move is what is known as a check-raise. All you fuckers do is scream at each other your opinions and act like sports are the most important fucking thing in the world. I can’t stand to listen to it. Like PTI and Stephen A. Smith, let’s just yell our heads off at each other and blaspheme God! Sports are great but you have replaced God with them. And all that crap you spewed about me and Sarah. You mother fuckers are the worst of the worst.
–KLOVE radio station. You are a money-making scheme, listener supported. You pretend to glorify God but all you do is treat Him as if He is losing. Your radio station treats Christians as if Christianity is a burden that must be carried. You’re an arm of the Beast and you’re the WORST OF THE WORST.
–For King and Country Christian Rock band “It’s not over yet” MOST BLASPHEMOUS SONG EVER!
–Toby Mac and Jon McLaughlin. Both of you. You’re the WORST OF THE WORST.
-The ArcheryTalk users known as “Oh Well” and “Hanklee” and “Wolbear“
–MORMONS. A FAKE RELIGION designed to use Jesus Christ to entrap people.
-Anyone with the letters “TFB” on their license plate!
–The FBI
–Artificial Intelligence that writes stories, articles or blogs on it’s own. (This is EXTREMELY dangerous stuff everyone, I know it seems harmless enough but it’s NOT! It will brainwash you!)
-The Producers and actors of the movie “Free Guy” That includes you Ryan Reynolds. I’m a VERY angry goat!
–ANYONE involved in the show “Jury Duty“…Producers, Actors, Directors, even Grips!
–David Kushner. Never ONCE in this whole story have I “begged for forgiveness” but it is what you’ll be doing! ME AND MY PEOPLE ARE THE DAYLIGHT!
–TIME MAGAZINE How dare you make Taylor Swift person of the year. You’re gunna regret THAT!
–Monarch CST team. Donna, Kevin, Jacques and Jeannie. I felt like I was a bait ball and you were a school of tunas taking swipes at me. You didn’t offer support, you offered harassment, disbelief, and offensive comments, and I’m not going to tolerate or entertain the blasphemous and disrespectful things that were coming out of your mouths from you or from anyone!
-All the doctors and nurses at Central Regional State Mental Hospital in Butner, NC. Dr. Sumner, Dr. Mogey, Dr. Kauwe, Dr. Markez you locked me up for 3 months even though you MUST have known this was not all in my head! It was already EVERWHERE by that point, and had been for a long time. How could you not know? THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS. I would call that medical malpractice to lock someone up and make them think they’re crazy when you know perfectly well that at least SOME of the things they are complaining about are perfectly real, and that they ARE in fact being followed by the entire world and the FBI. Dr. Thotakura of Old Vineyard you too. When I told you I was a Horseman of the Apocalypse you denied it was even a possibility, but that is an infringement of my right to practice and believe in my own religion and you had no right to send me to a long-term mental facility. You all forced me to “accept” that I wasn’t being followed in order for me to earn my freedom. It was understood that any feelings of paranoia were signs of mental illness and instability and I had to deny them in order to be released. How exactly does gaslighting aid in your treatment of me?
–Alliance Defending Freedom. For being total frauds, more worried about baking cakes than defending real Christian freedom.
–Sheetz Gas stations.
–Matt Barrie and Dan Mullen, announced the Duke’s Mayo Bowl and made some very offensive comments.
-The musician known as “Maneskin“
-Every single host of ESPN’s “First Take“
-Taylor Swift